
Cancer is no longer lethal. Cancer patients in Indonesia can have a life expectancy longer with the discovery of the plant "taro rat" (Typhonium flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) as a medicinal plant that can stop and treat various cancers and other severe diseases. A kind of taro plants with a maximum height of 25 to 30 centimeters is only growing in the bush that is not exposed to direct sunlight. "This plant is commonly found in Java,

The plant is proven to kill various types of cancer cells in a relatively short time. In Malaysia, this plant was developed by a professor of cancer and has successfully helped thousands of patients around the world.

Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer is one type of cancer is fairly common, especially in men and women aged 50 years or more. In men, colorectal cancer ranks as the third most common cancer found after prostate and lung. While in women, this cancer also ranks third after breast cancer and lung.

Symptoms of colon cancer:

1. Losing weight for no apparent reason
2. Pain in the abdomen or the back.
3. Stomach still felt full even after besar.Rasa relieve tired constantly
4. Sometimes the cancer can be a barrier in the large intestine that looks at some symptoms such as constipation, pain, and feeling bloated in the stomach.
5. Bleeding in the large intestine characterized by the finding of blood in the stool during defecation.
6. Changes in bowel function (diarrhea or constipation) for no apparent reason, more than six weeks.

So far, the cause of colon cancer are not known with certainty. Only, there are some things that allegedly led to the potential of this malignant disease, namely: the wrong diet (too many foods high in fat and protein, and low in fiber), obesity (overweight), had colon cancer, comes from a family who have a history of colon cancer, had had polyps in the colon, age (risk increases at age above 50 years), less physical activity, often exposed to food preservatives and dyes that are not for food, and smoking.

Preventing colon cancer:

1. Maintain a body mass index between 18.5 to 25.0 kg/m2 for life.
2. Make physical activity, such as brisk walking at least 30 minutes a day.
3. Avoid doing merokok.Segera habits and polipektomi colonoscopy in patients found in the polyps.
4. Apply early detection with faint blood tests since the age of 40 years.
5. Avoid foods high in fat, protein, calories, and red meat. Do not forget the consumption of calcium and acids undergo folat.Setelah adenoma polipektomi recommended calcium supplementation.
6. It is recommended also supplementation of vitamin E, and D.
7. Eat fruits and vegetables every day.

Brain Cancer

It causes brain cancer a lot. Everything that makes our brains get exposure can be pencetusnya.

Trigger brain cancer from outside such as:

1. Carcinogenic: carcinogenic substances in general also be a cause of cancer, such as cooking oil used repeatedly, inhaled chemicals, or mixed in food.

2. Pattern of life (life style): Patterns of unhealthy living can also be a cause of cancer in general, such as smoking, lack of food fibers, etc.

3. Radiation: radiation materials - chemicals can also trigger cancer cells tumbunhnya.

Trigger cancer of the brain such as:

1. History of trauma or conflict: the impact on the head, although a mild head injury remain alert, which hit the network changes can also be the cause of the growth of abnormal tissue in the brain.

2. Genetic: descendants. If there bloodlines brain cancer so be careful to keep his health

pregnancy exercise

in times of pregnancy pregnant women must maintain fitness and health body, one example of a pregnant woman to keep in shape is by way of pregnancy exercise.
By following a regular pregnancy exercise intensive dn, pregnant women can maintain a healthy body and a fetus that contains an optimal.

basic movement like pregnancy exercise is the following:
> Lie on your back, hold your knees with both hands and relax. Perform the following activities: Open mouth to taste, take a breath in as much as possible. Pushing like defecation, body movement downward and forward. Once can not help but tired, returned to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times with intervals of 2 minutes.

> Lying side, both knees and both arms bent, given a pillow under her head, as well as below the belt so that the stomach does not hang. Close your eyes, calm, set to rhythmic breathing.

> Lie on your left side (preferably to the baby's back), knees placed right in front of the left knee (wedge with a pillow). Right arm bent in front and put left arm behind.

> Do attitudes crawl by putting his head between his hands and turned to the side right / left, then lower your body until chest touches the mattress with his elbow as far as possible sliding sideways. Hold the position for 1 minute, then increase to 5-10 minutes, or according to the power of pregnant women.

> Attitude crawl, the distance between the two arms equal to the distance between the two shoulders. All four members of the body perpendicular to the floor with the body parallel to the floor. Repeat: Keep your head, see the lower abdomen and waist as he lifted his stomach and anus wrinkled hole. Further down the waist to lift her head as she relaxes muscles and abdominal wall muscles of the pelvic floor. Perform this movement as much as 8 times.

> Sitting cross-legged and upright, both arms pointed straight ahead and relax. Do as much as possible in everyday positions.

Tuberculosis (TB)

* Symptoms: cough with phlegm for more than three weeks. It can also be accompanied by bleeding cough. Patients will experience a fever, especially in the afternoon or evening, sweating at night. Decreased appetite, which causes the body to be thin.

* Cause: The disease tuberculosis is caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease can be transmitted through saliva when people spray cough.

* Treatment: Treatment for TB when it is known from an early age are not too expensive and easy to cure because there has been government provided drugs. If necessary, patients with TB can also be quarantined in a special place so as not to transmit the disease.

* Prevention and solutions: If there are friends, neighbors or family members who experience these symptoms, it is better advised to consult your doctor to see if the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes a cough illness is often considered trivial, but this disease can kill someone if not immediately addressed and can be transmitted to others.

This disease is also true is one that has conquered the disease, but later returned to attack. One of them is due to tuberculosis patients are not spending their medication. Drugs must be taken regularly for 6 to 9 months to cure this disease. Not spend the drug can cause people can not recover and lead a drug can no longer fight germs because germs become resistant.

Types of Heart Disease

The types of heart disease include:

1. Heart Disease Rheumatism

2. Congenital Heart Disease, pathology (abnormality) of the heart that are at birth, like the hole in the heart.

3. Hipertensif Heart Disease (high blood pressure)

4. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD = CHD), the disease attacks the blood vessels and can cause heart attacks caused by clogged arteries that impede the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the heart.

5. Heart disease due to lung disease chronic (Cor Pulmonale Chronicum)

Heart disease is a disease that disrupt blood vessel system, in this case is the heart and blood vessels. Heart disease caused by continuous process, in which the heart gradually loses its ability to perform normal functions. In early disease, heart function can compensate for the inefficiency and maintain blood circulation mormal through enlargement and increased pulse rate (Compensated Heart Disease). In the absence compensated (Decompensatio Cordis), blood circulation is not normally cause shortness of breath (dyspenia), fatigue, and pain in the heart.


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a collection of symptoms and infections (or: syndrome) is caused by damage to the human immune system by HIV infection, or infection of other viruses that attack like the other species (SIV, FIV, etc.).

Own virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that weakens the human body's immunity. People infected with the virus will become vulnerable to opportunistic infections or tumors susceptible. Although existing treatments can slow the rate of virus growth, but the disease is not completely curable.

HIV and similar viruses are generally transmitted through direct contact between the skin layer (mucous membrane) or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid preseminal, and breast milk. Transmission can occur through sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, or oral), blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding, as well as other forms of contact with body fluids such.

People with AIDS often have systemic symptoms of infection, such as fever, sweating (especially at night), swollen glands, cold, feeling weak, and weight loss. Certain opportunistic infections suffered by AIDS patients, also depending on the level of frequency of occurrence of these infections in the geographic area where the patient lives.

The various symptoms of AIDS is generally not going to happen to people who have immune system is good. Most of these conditions due to infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, which are usually controlled by the elements of the immune system that HIV damages. Opportunistic infections common in people with AIDS. HIV affects nearly every organ of the body. People with AIDS also suffer a greater risk of cancers such as Kaposi's sarcoma, cervical cancer, and immune system cancers known as lymphomas.

annoying hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs in the rectum where the anus has swollen lips sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Hemorrhoid disease is not only give pain to the sufferer, but also provide a sense of inferior and ashamed of hemorrhoid disease.
Hemorrhoids usually occur because the bowel irregular and often push.
Does hemorrhoid treatment should be treated with surgery or not, depending on the stage experienced hemorrhoids. Most important is the time of treatment and after treatment the patient can keep always defecate regularly shaped with a soft stool. Therefore, patients need a lot of drinking and eating foods rich in fiber.
if hemorrhoids in the acute phase immediately consult a surgeon

Cysts disease quietly sweep

Cysts can provide a variety of complaints such as pain during menstruation, lower abdominal pain, often feels like a bowel movement or small, and the information it already can be felt a lump in the abdomen area. For this type of follicular cysts, usually do not provide pain. So most people do not realize it.
Cysts include benign tumors such membranes wrapped in tissue. Collection of tumor cells were separated from the surrounding normal tissue and can not spread to other body parts. That's why relatively easy benign tumor removed by surgery, and did not endanger the health sufferers.
cysts grow in the ovaries but he also arise in the vagina near the vulva (the external female genitalia)

cysts divided into 2:

a. Non-neoplastic cysts benign nature and usually will deflate itself after 2 to 3 months.

b. neoplastic cysts usually have surgery, but it also depends on the size and nature.

cyst symptoms:

> Severe abdominal pain, especially during menstruation
> Often feels like a bowel movement or small.
> If it is severe, if the stomach will feel a palpable lump.

how to prevent cyst in the following ways:
> The easiest way is surgery. but, until now handling the cyst with the way these operations there is no satisfactory results.
> Overcoming cyst with Laparoscopy or what we call surgically by making 2 or 3 small lunang diameter of about 5-10 millimeters in the abdomen of the patient.

things to the patient avoid cyst:
1. sweet foods, including fruits such as longan, rambutan, mango.
2. soy milk, including tofu and tempeh.
3. cow's milk (milk diet change dg)
4. fast food.
5. seafood.
6. coconut, avocado, egg yolk.


The disease is not contagious among others:

1. Heart

The heart is vital, which functions to pump blood around the body and never stopped. The heart has two pumps, one in the right side. The one on the left. The heart beats more than 100,000 times a day, continuously pumping blood through more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels are very small.

2. Tumor Disease

The disease is caused by cell growth that exceeds growth in the surrounding tissue. Tumors can occur in random places and networks. Tumors are named according to their home network. Tumur cause until now still not known with certainty. Some say the tumor may occur because the X-ray continuous. There are also opinions that said as a result of the sun continuously. There is a thought virus.

3. Lacking Disease Nutrition

Because vitamin A deficiency in the food, the child will suffer from blind dusk (xeropthalmia). The cure is to give a lot of foods containing vitamin A.

Lack of vitamin B1 will resulted in swelling in both legs so difficult to walk, slow action, the look lazy. Treatment is to provide food that contains vitamin B1.

4. Disease caused by abnormal lymph nodes and hormones.

a. Sugar disease

Glucon is one of the hormones produced by the pancreas. There are people who could not produce enough insulin to meet their own needs. Insulin deficiency is a rise in blood sugar or glucose in the blood. Meanwhile, the body's cells do not get adequate supplies of food. In this case, excess glucose is lost in the urine. This is called diabetes. If this continues, the patient becomes weak and can die from lack of nutrients. Diabetes is a disease that strange and complicated. Not only the pancreas was involved, but also the tools that others, including children renal glands. Hypothyse, mumps, and liver. Natural situation, the patient must do one of two things that are below:

- He must reduce the food you eat.

- He had to provide enough insulin to meet the needs of his body.

b. Mumps Disease

Mumps is a disease caused by abnormalities in the thyroid, visible with the enlargement in the neck front. There are two thyroid. In the event of illness, may have an enlarged side or both.

5. Circulatory

Human blood is red. When blood was silenced for some time, will we find two kinds of substances, namely:

a). A yellowish color.

b). Deposition of red (blood cells.)

Blood cells consist of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and freezing cells (platelets). In the adult male blood every 3 mm containing 5 million cells, the 4 million adult women cell.

Blood type

Human blood groups have 4 kinds, namely O, A, B and AB. Human blood circulation occurs because of the heart that pumps blood around the body through arteries, then returned to the heart (large circulation). Simultaneously, the heart also pumps blood to the lungs, then returned to the heart (small circulation).

The number of adult human blood in approximately 4 to 5 liters or 1 / 13 the weight people. If the 52 kg weight. blood is 1/13x52 = 4 liters. Blood pressure was measured by Tensimeter (gauge potential). Measured is the pressure systole (ie when the blood is pressed out of the heart) 120 mm of mercury (Hg) and pressure diastoir (at the time of blood into the heart) 89 mmHg. So if the number is less than normal blood, blood pressure will decrease called hypotensi (hypo = under, less; tension = pressure). If the higher blood pressure than normal is called hypertension (hyper = more). These circumstances need to know the cause of kelainannya. Although demikia, there are many other factors that can cause abnormalities in blood pressure, for example:

2. Abnormalities in blood vessels.
3. Age
4. Heart Disease


Type of flu virus is very bervariatif. Variation of a type of influenza virus variants capable of producing a new type of flu, so the types of flu virus berana range. Of some cases of flu that infect humans for several decades, there are only 16 kinds of proven virus from humans and the rest is the type of virus that mutated from type A influenza virus that attacks poultry. Here are some types of flu virus:

1. H7N2, caused 2 casualties in New York and Virginia around the year 2003 and 2002 which both can be cured.

2. H7N3, the North American attack in 2004 in the British Coloumbia. 18 farms have been saved from the attacks and the spread of the virus and 2 cases have been resolved. Disease cases that appear to have flu-like symptoms, and victims can be saved.

3. H10N7, was first reported to infect humans when found in the case of 2 toddlers in Egypt in 2004 which affected the virus.

4. H3N2, which causes respiratory infections in humans and pigs. The virus claimed the lives of 750,000 people with the disease called Hong Kong flu in 1968. The virus is also the fruit of lips that claimed the lives of several children in the United States in 2003.

5. H5N1, is currently terganas bird flu virus that has caused 272 deaths worldwide. It is feared the virus becomes pandemic, as will be transmitted from human to human. Examples of cases that have been proven to happen in the family in Tangerang, which fortunately was not until the spread to other areas.

6. H1N1, causing endemic in pigs and humans, the virus that causes this is the Spanish flu claimed more than 100 million people.

7. H2N2, caused the Asian flu epidemic that took 4 to 5 million victims in 1957 in China and also the surrounding region.

8. H1N2, is endemic for humans and pigs. H1N2 type virus produced from the composition of H1N1 and H3N2 viruses hemaglutinin which the protein is similar to the type of H1N1 and Neuraminidase protein similar to the H3N2 type virus.

9. H7N7, is a virus that attacks the animal but have unusual characteristics. This virus caused casualties in the Netherlands as many as 89 people who died but only 1 person only.

10. H9N2, is a low pathogen virus of type A virus that attacks poultry. Victim number 3 children residing in Hong Kong and China, and all three can be fully recovered.

Secondary Lung Cancer

Secondary lung cancer

Lung cancer is a disease that arises as a result of the spread of cancer from other organs, most often breast cancer and colon cancer (stomach). Cancer spreads through the blood, lymphatic system, or due to closeness organs.

Disease Causes Lung Cancer
The biggest cause of smoking, while others are caused by contamination of the surrounding air by the substance of asbestos, air pollution by combustion or fumes including cigarette smoke. There are several cases of diseases that trigger disease lung cancer, namely tuberculosis and pneumonia. Both diseases can cause injury to the lung tissue that sell organs supports the occurrence of abnormal growth within the cavity sell it. Lung cancer usually develops from this case is the type of adenocarcinoma (adenoma).

if some of the signs and symptoms below, if recognized, should immediately check with your doctor:

The presence of chest pain, shoulder and the back
The sound has changed from the usual
Cough more than 2 weeks in people who do not smoke
Others such as difficulty swallowing, neck and face appeared swollen, decreased appetite, weight loss, tired or weak.
Coughing old people smoking
Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
Cough out blood (even though small amounts)
Frequent lung infections (pneumonia or bronchitis)

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