Secondary Lung Cancer

Secondary lung cancer

Lung cancer is a disease that arises as a result of the spread of cancer from other organs, most often breast cancer and colon cancer (stomach). Cancer spreads through the blood, lymphatic system, or due to closeness organs.

Disease Causes Lung Cancer
The biggest cause of smoking, while others are caused by contamination of the surrounding air by the substance of asbestos, air pollution by combustion or fumes including cigarette smoke. There are several cases of diseases that trigger disease lung cancer, namely tuberculosis and pneumonia. Both diseases can cause injury to the lung tissue that sell organs supports the occurrence of abnormal growth within the cavity sell it. Lung cancer usually develops from this case is the type of adenocarcinoma (adenoma).

if some of the signs and symptoms below, if recognized, should immediately check with your doctor:

The presence of chest pain, shoulder and the back
The sound has changed from the usual
Cough more than 2 weeks in people who do not smoke
Others such as difficulty swallowing, neck and face appeared swollen, decreased appetite, weight loss, tired or weak.
Coughing old people smoking
Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
Cough out blood (even though small amounts)
Frequent lung infections (pneumonia or bronchitis)

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