Types of Heart Disease

The types of heart disease include:

1. Heart Disease Rheumatism

2. Congenital Heart Disease, pathology (abnormality) of the heart that are at birth, like the hole in the heart.

3. Hipertensif Heart Disease (high blood pressure)

4. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD = CHD), the disease attacks the blood vessels and can cause heart attacks caused by clogged arteries that impede the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the heart.

5. Heart disease due to lung disease chronic (Cor Pulmonale Chronicum)

Heart disease is a disease that disrupt blood vessel system, in this case is the heart and blood vessels. Heart disease caused by continuous process, in which the heart gradually loses its ability to perform normal functions. In early disease, heart function can compensate for the inefficiency and maintain blood circulation mormal through enlargement and increased pulse rate (Compensated Heart Disease). In the absence compensated (Decompensatio Cordis), blood circulation is not normally cause shortness of breath (dyspenia), fatigue, and pain in the heart.

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