pregnancy exercise

in times of pregnancy pregnant women must maintain fitness and health body, one example of a pregnant woman to keep in shape is by way of pregnancy exercise.
By following a regular pregnancy exercise intensive dn, pregnant women can maintain a healthy body and a fetus that contains an optimal.

basic movement like pregnancy exercise is the following:
> Lie on your back, hold your knees with both hands and relax. Perform the following activities: Open mouth to taste, take a breath in as much as possible. Pushing like defecation, body movement downward and forward. Once can not help but tired, returned to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times with intervals of 2 minutes.

> Lying side, both knees and both arms bent, given a pillow under her head, as well as below the belt so that the stomach does not hang. Close your eyes, calm, set to rhythmic breathing.

> Lie on your left side (preferably to the baby's back), knees placed right in front of the left knee (wedge with a pillow). Right arm bent in front and put left arm behind.

> Do attitudes crawl by putting his head between his hands and turned to the side right / left, then lower your body until chest touches the mattress with his elbow as far as possible sliding sideways. Hold the position for 1 minute, then increase to 5-10 minutes, or according to the power of pregnant women.

> Attitude crawl, the distance between the two arms equal to the distance between the two shoulders. All four members of the body perpendicular to the floor with the body parallel to the floor. Repeat: Keep your head, see the lower abdomen and waist as he lifted his stomach and anus wrinkled hole. Further down the waist to lift her head as she relaxes muscles and abdominal wall muscles of the pelvic floor. Perform this movement as much as 8 times.

> Sitting cross-legged and upright, both arms pointed straight ahead and relax. Do as much as possible in everyday positions.

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