Good Food

Good food doesn't have to be complicated -- neither does great food for that matter.

On the side, I served up some mixed frozen vegetables warmed up using 1/8 cup of broth.

I also made a nice batch of oven baked fries. While you are slicing the potoates, keep them in a bowl of water. This will prevent them from oxidizing. Once all the potatoes are sliced, drain them and pat them dry. Add some olive oil ( just enogh to coat the potatoes, not enough to pool on the bottom of the bowl), some fresh craked pepper, sea salt, and a garlic salt. Toss well, and place evenly on a baking pan. Bake at 450F for 30 minutes, then Broil for an additional 5 minutes to make them crispy.

In a large pan, sautee 1 medium onion in about 2 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of butter, and some red chilli flakes.
Once the onions become translucent and begin to caramelize add 3 diced Roma Tomatoes, and 5 chopped garlic cloves.  Season with a pinch of garlic salt, fresh cracked pepper 1/2 tsp paprika and about 1/8 cup of ketchup ( secret ingredient). Simmer for a few minutes, then add 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts ( diced).   Cover and simmer until the chicken is cooked. ( If the sauce gets to thick and you fear it will burn, simply add some chicken stock to thin it out)

So... since neither of us had lunch today.... this one disappeared before the camera made it to the scene.

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