Burn Care

Burn Care:

- Definitive Care

. Semi-care open

Just as the open treatment but also provided local medicines. Local drug berberntuk cream will soften the eschar and easy to clean maintenance.

. Treatment Open

Exudate is out of the wound will dry up and debris will be a layer of eschar. Healing will take place under the eschar. Patients treated in the isolation room. Each broken eschar should be given medicines and locally controlled if there is accumulation of pus under the eschar done pempukaan emotion eschar (escharotomi).

. Care close

After the wound clean, covered with a layer of sterile cloth with holes (tulle) that contain petroleum jelly with or without antibiotics and then wrapped thick to prevent evaporation and protect the skin from trauma and bacteria. The joints are placed in the position of full extension.

- Care First

1. Immediately after burn, cool the burn under cold water, the best temperature 20oC for 15 minutes

2. I second-degree burns do not require special treatment, cleaned and given analgesics alone.

3. Second-degree burns and III, the patient cleaned his entire body, her hair washed, cut nails, then rinse the wound with liquid soap mengandungdesinfektan like cetrimid 0.5% (savlon) or potassium permanganate. Skin of dead skin removed, bullae opened because most liquid in it will be infected

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