(From various sources) at a Glance Ulcer: Many cause or a sign to tell people affected by ulcers. One of them is an inflammation of the stomach (gastritis). Inflammation of the stomach is more known as ulcer disease. In people with gastric ulcers or gastritis encountered any irritation or an infection or inflammation of the gastric mucosal wall so that the stomach wall becomes red, swollen, bloody and scarred or injured. Apart from injuries on the stomach wall, was also injured in the intestine 12 fingers.

In general, gastric ulcers can be caused by several factors, including:

• The emotional stress and excessive pressure on someone

• The gastric acid and pepsin excessive

• The mucosa (mucous membranes) of the stomach could not withstand stomach acid and pepsin are excessive due to the decreasing ability of the gastric mucosal function.

• Time meal that does not irregular, often too late to eat, or overeat often

• Too much spicy food, acid, alcohol, certain drugs with high doses.

• Bacterial infections / viruses, especially Helicobacter pylori, anemia, kidney disease, diabetes, and the substances that irritate like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and so on.

• Drugs such as aspirin and anti-inflammatory Non Steroid group (AINS) is usually taken to relieve pain / pains and rheumatism / arthritis. Aspirin can reduce the protective substances in the stomach of prostaglandins. These drugs are not harmful if consumed in a short period.

• corrosive materials (acids and strong bases).

• Alcohol and other chemicals can cause inflammation and injury in the stomach.

• Consuming alcohol once in a while does not cause gastric damage, but can increase stomach acid secretion.

medicinal plants below can be used to treat inflammation of the stomach. Among others aimed to reduce inflammation and infections, strengthening the gastric mucosal wall, and reduce the sensitivity of the stomach wall, improve the function of gastric glands and digestion in general.

1. Fennel (fruit)

2. Akar Manis (root)

3. Daruju (root)

4. Jaringao (rhizome)

5. Rhubarb (root)

6. Komfrei (leaf)

7. Key Schwa (rhizome)

8. Turmeric (rhizome)

9. Aloe Vera (leaf)

10. Pisang Batu (fruit)

11. Pulutan (root)

12. Shy Princess (all parts of plants)

13. Sambilata (leaf)

14. Lemongrass (whole plant)

15. Temu Lawak (rhizome)

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