Although Khasiatnya medically unproven, could not hurt to give the guava juice for dengue fever patients.
Therefore, this exotic fruit contains vitamin C which is very high. Even vitamin C in it could be three to six times higher than oranges. 10 times higher compared with the papaya and 10 to 30 times compared with a banana.
Vitamin C is found in meat, fresh fruit. Seeds are often not consumed anything containing meat vitaimin C such as fruit.
Thanks to contain high doses of vitamin C, the immune system in fighting bacteria will increase. Any wound healing process go faster. In addition, blood pressure is also better thanks to this fruit. This is because the guava is a good source of potassium.
Mentioned in the book Foods that Heal, Foods that Harm that 90 grams of guava fruit is more than enough to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C in adults. The book also mentions though it lost nearly 25 percent of vitamins for processing, packaging guava juice box is still a source of vitamin C is good.
God-shaped leaves of plants shrubs. Leaf is part of the plant which is used as a medicine.
Latin name is Gymura segetum (Lour) Merr or Gynura pseudochina (L) DC and belonging to the family Compositae or Asteraceae plants. This plant is known by the name of China bluntas area, leaf god, or samsit.
Herbal this one is rich with various chemical ingredients such as saponins, ASIRI oils, flavonoids, and tannins. With the chemical content of the plant are useful as an anticoagulant (dilute blood clot), stimulate circulation, stop bleeding, remove the heat, clean toxin.
"Drugs emperor" is a nickname for angkung or Angong Niuhuang Wan. Because of its potency to overcome the disease in ancient times, consumed by angkung only the emperor and his officials on the plains of China.
Angkung believed by the Chinese community to help cure the disease meningitis, stroke, brain inflammation, liver disease, to seizures and lack of body fluids as well as in the case of dengue fever.