Leukemia or blood cancer is a group of diverse neoplastic disease, characterized by the abnormal multiplication or malignant transformation of cells in the blood forming bone marrow and lymphoid tissue. Normal cells in the bone marrow is replaced by abnormal cells or abnormal. These abnormal cells from the marrow and can be found in the peripheral blood or peripheral blood. Leukemia cells affecting hematopoiesis or blood cell formation process of the normal and the patient's body immunity.
The word means white blood leukemia, because the patient was found many white blood cells before therapy was given. White blood cell that looks a lot are young cells, for example promielosit. The number of increasingly rising can disrupt the normal function of other cells.
Leukemia generally appear in a person since the days of small, bone marrow without obvious cause has been producing white blood cells do not develop normal or abnormal. Normally, white blood cells to reproduce again when the body needs it, or there is a place for the blood cells themselves. The human body will give signs / signals on a regular basis when will the blood cell-reproduction is expected to be back.
there are several types of leukemia:
1. Mielositik chronic leukemia (Lmk) often occurs in adults. Can also occur in children, but very little.
2. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (LLA). Is the most common type of leukemia occurs in children. The disease is also present in adults who primarily have 65 years of age or older.
3. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (LLK). This is often suffered by adults older than 55 years. Sometimes suffered by young adults, and almost none on children.
4. Mielositik acute leukemia (LMA). This is more common in adults than children. This type was formerly called nonlimfositik acute leukemia.
how to deal with Leukemia:
1. Transfusion of red blood cells or platelets.
2. Chemotherapy / intrathecal medications.
3. Providing medicine tablets and syringes.
4. Radiation Therapy. However, this method is rarely used.
5. Bone marrow transplantation (bone marrow).