
Appendix or the cecum (Latin: caecus, "blind") in terms of anatomy is a pouch that is connected to the intestinal absorption and colonic climbing part of the large intestine. This be discovered organs in mammals, birds, and several species of reptiles. Most herbivores have a large cecum, whereas the exclusive carnivores have small cecum, which partly or entirely replaced by the appendix.

Appendectomy in Latin referred to as Appendix vermiformis, this organ is found in humans, mammals, birds, and several species of reptiles. This organ was originally regarded as an additional organs that have no function, but remember that currently functions as an organ of the appendix is imunologik and actively participate in the secretion of immunoglobulin (an immune system) which has / contains the lymphoid glands.

Appendicitis can affect anyone and is not plain whether he's fur or town who live in village.Symptoms usually like stomach ulcers, so
sufferers often feel inclined disregard.Symptoms suddenly and usually will continue to increase.

symptoms of appendicitis include:
1. First, we feel that the abdominal pain felt around the navel and the bottom right gets spread.
2. Then we eat lust decreased dramatically.
3. In fact, we often feel nauseated and vomiting.
4. Then we often pass gas and diarrhea.
5. low fever and other symptoms arise.
6. and the last of our stomach bloated.

factor of the appendix are:

1. Blockage of the appendix
Growth of lymph tissue, feces, tumors appendix and worms can cause blockage askaris appendix. Space in the appendix is very narrow, so that waste material or foreign objects trapped in the top of the appendix and cause blockage of a great cause inflammation and can cause infection.

2. Bacterial infection
Bacteria can infect the appendix that causes inflammation in the area.

3. Barriers to the cecum mucus flow
Appendix produces mucus 1-2 ml per day, the mucus that is normally poured into the hole and then appendix flows into the cecum. Hamper the flow of mucus from the appendix will form a blockage in the appendix that causes inflammation of the appendix and the infection in the appendix.

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