
Pimple (Acne vulgaris, exactly) is a chronic disorder due to increased activity of fat glands normally produce an oily substance called sebum, skin and hair grease. Sebum and skin cells clog the remaining pores and solid, who later became a white-eyed, black and become pimples. Excessive sebum secretion caused by male sex hormones called androgens (found in women and men). People with acne may be more sensitive to this hormone.
Well, regarding acne due to the increased incidence of fatty deh so remember, be favorite meal at night and sleep at night. Well, this habit should be reduced so as not insommia.

4 factors that cause acne:

1. inflammatory reaction (inflammation)
2. Increasing population and activity of bacteria (most often Propionibacteri acnes) as the bacteria in the estuary have sebaceous glands and consume what we produce sebum.
3. the blockages in the pores of the skin by fatty acids.
4. an increase in sebum production due to the influence of hormones, physical and psychological condition.

how to deal with acne:
1. Pressing the inflammatory process in the skin (dermis primarily) with water ice packs, use of anti-inflammatory tablets or injections of anti-inflammatory by the skin specialist.
2. Sebaceous glands to reduce production to prevent a dam on the channel gland. Triggers increased production is the physical and psychological stress, hot weather, spicy foods.
3. Improving the process of skin regeneration. Through exfoliation to prevent the blockage (can be active or cream fabric freshener in the morning, afternoon and night)
4. Inhibit the growth of bacteria that inhabit the sebaceous glands salular with antibiotics. Antibiotics can be a gel, ointment, solution or cream.

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