Ulcers Herbal Medicine

Plants are efficacious for treating ulcers are:

Curcuma rhizome Key (Java language: the key)

Rhizome dii meeting can lock in chewing and swallowing. Rhizome slices with chewing betel nuts can heal ulcers but also can cure a dry cough.


Pick 1 or 2 pieces of betel leaf. Wash and clean leaves chewed to pulp. Let the leaves briefly in the mouth, especially in the affected parts sprue.

Guava Leaf

Boiled in 1 liter of water: 1 handful of fresh guava leaves and bark is 1 finger. Strain the water from the stew and drink 2 times a day

Guava water

Cashew bark approximately water 10 gr (yg still young), washed & finely ground plus half a glass of boiled water and filtered. used distillate rinse.

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