
Headlice or head lice, small animals who like to spread the strands of hair were found including golonga parasites. Lice breed by laying eggs. Head lice eggs are placed in the patient's scalp.
If we regard this as long lice often breed in dirty hair and not maintained, then the head lice is like hair and scalp clean.
the fleas are experiencing resistance to a variety of chemical products that are not rare chemical obat2 ineffective. Unless a special comb is still effective.
Tesebut lice do not like to fly and can not jump. They moved from one head to another head when two heads are close together, such as walking with head lice carriers. Lice requires warm conditions to survive. So do not be surprised tropical paradise of the bug!

how to eradicate head lice in a ways:

1. Wash your hair clean and conditioned to be moist.
2. Leave a little dry, then comb using a fine-tooth comb to remove lice eggs from hair strands.
3. Then rinse hair again ..
4. Perform this step for 4 consecutive days, until all the lice eggs from hair loss, if you have not lost a special drug used for hair lice.

I hope this helps you!

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