Benefits of Soy Milk

The benefits of soy milk content:

Vitamin E
Preventing skin cancer, preventing skin wrinkles, helps the process of menstruation, prevent impotency, treat kadiovaskular (heart disease), and antioxidants.
As an enhancer of bone strength in the structure of teeth, nails, and the immune system against disease.
Serves as a control excess sugar levels in the blood.
As a magical substance soy milk, to nourish your body fitter exposed to various diseases abstinence.
Good cholesterol (HDL)
In the body of bad cholesterol which is reaping Calcification of blood vessels. So HDL or good cholesterol in the soy milk can prevent against Calcification with bad cholesterol.
Serves as a new bone-forming ingredients, strengthens bones, regulate muscle function, with normal blood meredarkan, controlling fatty acids in the intestine.
The protein contained in soy milk are composed of amino acids in the form of lecithin, arginine, lysine, glycine, niacin, leucine, isoleucine, trionin, tryptophan, fenillalanin. Works to boost immunity, repair damaged tissue, maintain body growth.
Carbohydrates, Fats Vegetable
As a source of energy in the body, as the good fats in the body.
Fiber / Fiber
Very good to facilitate digestion of food and disposal.
Vitamin A
Vitamins are useful for maintaining eye health, helps the reproduction process, launched the nervous system of the body of work.
Vitamin B1 and B2
Serves to provoke reactions dalm the body and vitamin B2 as a pigment in cow's milk and soy milk.

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