Tomato is one of the members of the Solanaceae family richest in aktioksidan, especially dalambentuk carotenoids; also vitamins C and E. The combination of these three elements make tomato potentially protect the cardiovascular system and anti-cancer properties.
Tomato fruit (Solanum Lycopersicum) is usually used as fresh salad, and consumed directly without the need to be cooked first. This type of tomato is more durable than vegetable tomato. Tomato vegetable is usually used as a cooked vegetable mixture, and can not last long (fast decay).
Tomatoes are also rich in potassium and low sodium. Therefore can reduce hypertension. Tree ripe tomatoes, 200 types of compounds containing a volatile, wafted from the unique aroma and taste.
Canned tomatoes have only lost some nutrients they contain, but increased levels of salt. If you buy pasta or tomato juice, choose a low-salt.
These two types of tomatoes are equally efficacious for the human body, namely to:
* Overcoming bleeding gums: a tomato is washed, then fresh-eaten fresh. Do this 1x a day for a month.
* Overcoming constipation: an occasional drink tomato juice after meals.
* Menghaluskan face: a tomato scarlet blackmailed. Apply water to the face several times each day. Can also be sliced tomatoes and then rubbed his face.
A study by Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland found the benefits for the health of tomato seeds. As quoted by health magazine Prevention, Asim K Dutta-Roy, Ph.D., the researchers found, liquid or slippery yellow jelly contained around tomato seeds, contain a mixture of compounds or materials that work against stroke and heart disease.
The study also found that if you drink tomato juice without throwing the seeds, then approximately 72 percent have reduced the risk of blood clots that can cause heart attacks.
* Be careful, if you're one who is allergic to tomatoes.
* Avoid tomatoes that are still green, because it could potentially trigger migraine.
* Be careful, tomato potentially trigger pain if you menderira rheumatoid arthritis
Tomatoes benefit the skin and address the problem of fertility (fertility), also protects the body from cancer · is best consumed fresh and mature trees. But it is also good as a juice, pasta, or canned tomatoes.