Measles immunization is given by injection in the thigh muscle or the upper arm. Side effects of measles include a high fever, which occurred after 8-10 days after vaccination and lasts 24-48 hours (incidence of about 2%), rash or rash for about 1-2 days (incidence 2%). Ynag side effects more severe, such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), very rare, less than 1 per 1-3 million doses administered.
At the time the baby in the womb, especially maternal measles antibody were distributed to the baby through the placenta or umbilical and will stay until the baby is born. At the age of 9 months only about 10% of infants who still have antibodies from the mother.
If immunization is given to babies who still have maternal antibody, measles-specific antibody formation as the goal of the immunization itself may be disrupted. The term, delaying immunization can increase the number of seroconversion.
Royan said: that is, if it be postponed measles immunization, antibody formation was better.
However, it should be noted, immunization delays can result in morbidity and mortality due to measles. WHO recommends measles immunization at 9 months of age in developing countries.
Measles vaccine from a weakened live virus. Should be stored at 2-8 C because sunlight or heat can kill the virus measles vaccine. If the vaccine virus to die before before the injection, the vaccine will not be able to stimulate the formation of antibodies in other words immunization failed.