A Celebration of Global Gratitude

You may have read my post about #TweetsGiving last week; I'm participating in this global gratitude celebration, and I encourage you to do the same! Feel free to leave a comment here, or share your gratitude through your own blog, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or any other way you'd like.

Gratitude Au Gratin


  • 1 Mom who loves and supports me no matter what
  • 1 Dad who never passes up an opportunity to tell me (and everyone he knows) that I make him proud
  • 1 brother who constantly challenges me to rethink my preconceived notions
  • 1 sister who reminds me that stopping to smell the roses isn't a waste of time
  • 2 nephews who provide me with an endless source of unconditional love and hours of entertainment with their antics
  • 1 grandmother who continually inspires me to strive to new heights
  • zest of 1 lemon (because zest makes everything taste better; HT:GG)
  1. Mix all of the above ingredients.
  2. Add a job that not only puts a roof over my head and food on my table, but that I genuinely enjoy and allows me to learn and grow.
  3. Stir in opportunities to be involved in my community that (although they sometimes cause me stress and annoyance) help me to feel like I make a difference in this world.
  4. Sprinkle in my wonderful friends who make life fun and interesting (you know who you are), who are there when I laugh and when I cry, who support and encourage me, and who aren't afraid to take me down a peg or two when I need it.
I'm grateful for my life; I'm in a very different place than I thought I would be, but then, who can tell the future anyway? I wouldn't trade a minute of it.

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