
Asthma is a condition in which narrowing of the respiratory tract experienced as hyperactivity of certain stimuli, which causes inflammation; constriction is temporary.

In asthma, constriction of the airways is a response to stimuli in the normal lung will not affect the respiratory tract. This narrowing can be triggered by various stimuli, such as pollen, dust, animal fur, smoke, cold air and exercise.

Diagnosis based on typical symptoms.

To confirm the diagnosis can be done over spirometri examination. Spirometri also used to assess the weight of the airway obstruction and to monitor treatment.

Determining factors of asthma triggers often not easy. Allergic skin test can help determine the allergens that trigger asthma symptoms. If the diagnosis is doubtful or if it is felt very important to know the trigger factors of asthma, it can be done bronchial challenge test.

An asthma attack can be prevented if the triggering factor is known and can be avoided. The attack triggered by exercise can be avoided by taking medication before exercise.

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